DUBAI: It is not the most obvious place for a video to be shot, but the checkouts at an Aldi supermarket in Britain is just the latest scene of yet another verbal outburst by someone shouting abuse at Muslims for wearing a niqab.
From the outset, the British woman can be seen staring aggressively in the direction of the people filming her, as she repeatedly shouts “disgusting” at the unseen couple.
A man’s voice can then be heard asking the woman on camera if she thinks “freedom of choice is disgusting.”
The man then responds, telling the woman he thinks her “attitude is disgusting,” but the Islamophobia continues and the woman responds, saying “you should not allow your wife to go around like that.”
The incident happened in an Aldi supermarket in Feltham, west London.
At this stage the unseen woman who is the target of the abuse joins the argument, telling the woman: “Why should he be my boss, he’s not my boss.”
But the Briton persists further, this time shouting at the man who has just told her she needs to “educate herself,” asking him if he “knows the Qur’an?” And she adds: “You’re supposed to be a peaceful b***** person.”
The woman continues with the torrent of abuse, telling the woman: “you shouldn’t be around like that, you look like a bloody pillar box.”
As the video draws to a close another man – probably a member of supermarket staff — can be heard warning the abusive woman that the shouting “must end” and that otherwise she could be banned.
This video is just the latest in a serious of incidents that have been reported in Britain where Muslims have been subjected to varying degrees of prejudice.
Since the recent attacks in Britain there have been reports of an increase in the number of hate crimes committed across the country. In the week after the London Bridge attack in June, the city’s mayor Sadiq Khan reported that hate crimes committed against Muslims had increased “fivefold.”
British woman shouts at Muslim woman in niqab, tells her she looks like a ‘pillar box’
British woman shouts at Muslim woman in niqab, tells her she looks like a ‘pillar box’