Robots will double world economic growth within two decades

Robots will double world economic growth within two decades
HUBO, a walking robot performs a demonstration of its capacities at the technology themed Davos. (Reuters)
Updated 11 November 2017

Robots will double world economic growth within two decades

Robots will double world economic growth within two decades

DUBAI: Artificial intelligence and machines will double the growth of economies around the world by 2035, according to Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi, the United Arab Emirates’ Minister of Cabinet Affairs and the Future.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting of Global Future Councils in Dubai, Al Gergawi also told participants that the the so-called Internet of Things, through which objects from street-lights to cars communicate and share data, would contribute $10-15 trillion dollars to the global economy in the next 20 years.
While Al Gergawi said that the capacity of the global workforce will increase by 40% in the coming two decades as more jobs become mechanized, he stressed that it was necessary to discuss, plan and strategies how the sweeping technology would affect humanity.
“The future is a global and moral shared responsibility,” he said.