Italian police arrest 5 linked to Berlin Christmas attacker

Graphic provided by Italian Police shows the mugshots of Anis Amri (center top), and clockwise from top left, Hicham Alharabi, Moez Ghidhaoui, and Hachemi Triki, who were expelled after the Berlin attack, and Abdel Napulsi, Rabie Baazaoui, Dhiaddine Baazaoui, Mohamed Baazaoui and Akram Baazaoui, who were linked to the Berlin attacker as part of operatiion ‘Mosaic“

ROME: Italian police have arrested five people connected to Anis Amri, the Tunisian who carried out the 2016 Berlin Christmas market truck attack and was later killed in a shootout with police in Italy.
In a statement Thursday, police said one of the five was believed to have procured the fake Italian identity papers that allowed Amri, a failed asylum-seeker, to move around Europe.
Amri killed 12 people when he hijacked a truck and drove it into a crowded Berlin Christmas market on Dec. 19, 2016. The attack was later claimed by Daesh. Using fake documents, he fled to Italy and died in a shootout with police near Milan four days later.
The arrests were the latest in a marked uptick in recent police operations targeting suspected extremists.
Police identified the five as a Palestinian and four Tunisians, and said one of the Tunisians, Akram Baazaoui, obtained the false documents for Amri.